
Diablo 3 necromancer ps4
Diablo 3 necromancer ps4

  • Devour is used in many builds that need a lot of Essence, especially in speedfarming.
  • Apart from killing enemies, Necromancers have several other ways to produce corpses: Command Golem Flesh Golem, Moribund Gauntlets, Gift of Death, Molting and Land of the Dead. They are only visible to the Necromancer and there can be no more than 16 corpses for each player out at any given time. Corpses are left on the ground when an enemy dies.
  • (6 ) Bonus grants a 3,300% separate damage multiplier to Bone Spear, Corpse Explosion and Corpse Lance, however the former is extremely clunky and outclassed by Masquerade of the Burning Carnival.įour of the Necromancer's skills require a special resource - corpses.
  • Since The Johnstone can only buff 50 of them, its overall damage bonus is diminished by the factor of 8, making Squirt's Necklace a better choice for Pestilence builds. In total this amounts to over 400 Corpse Lance s fired during a single Land of the Dead. Since Devour doesn't have an animation, you can also cast Corpse Lance (or Corpse Explosion) at the same time for another 10-12 (depending on your Attack Speed) corpses consumed each second.

    diablo 3 necromancer ps4

    With Land of the Dead active (or enough natural corpses around), Devour can consume 20 corpses per second.

    diablo 3 necromancer ps4

    These automatic lances consume The Johnstone stacks.

    diablo 3 necromancer ps4

    Corpse Lance s fired by the (2 ) Bonus have the same proc coefficient as the base skill and can apply all kinds of on-hit effects, including Iceblink, Knockback on Hit or Gogok of Swiftness. (2 ) Bonus fires a Corpse Lance with your equipped rune each time you consume a corpse.

    Diablo 3 necromancer ps4