
Google earth view satellite
Google earth view satellite

google earth view satellite

Map files can only be saved in Media folders in the external file manager. with the Android/Media directory on the SD card.with the Android/Media directory in the internal storage.in the private directory on the SD card – this can be changed in the Locus settings, maps will be moved here, see >.in the private directory in the internal storage – default setting after installation.

google earth view satellite

If you have the main Locus directory /Locus/ in the root of the internal storage now, you’ll be prompted to start a smooth data transfer to the new location after the app update. It can then be moved to the SD card via the application settings. When you install the application, it creates its directory in the internal storage.

google earth view satellite

  • in the private directory on the SD card.
  • in the private directory in the internal storage.
  • So what options does Locus Map have now? Locus main directory Unfortunately, after three months of rest, Google validators woke up from hibernation and revoked Locus Map 4’s “all files access” permission. And now we have the less positive news here.

    Google earth view satellite